I nicked the blog-post title from Steven Wilson's new
(unreleased) song, which I heard live in Leipzig. It sounds awesome ; it's got an amazing 'real' vibe and I loved Steven's voice and the vocal harmonies involved. and I am really looking forward to hearing it in in recorded form. I just got back from a 16-day conference leave/vacation. While it was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it, I am also glad to be back in Singapore. I am travel-lagged and am looking forward to some good old monotony to spice things up. On the long flight home, I recorded this song on Garage band titled 'Page 16'.
Page 16 by aytida88
It reminds me of the last few awesome days and the amazing peeps I met and hung out with. If I was active on Facebook, I'd have uploaded this tune there with a status containing the phrase 'feeling blessed'. And while I was at it, I'd crush some of your candy. Let me know what you think of it.
It reminds me of the last few awesome days and the amazing peeps I met and hung out with. If I was active on Facebook, I'd have uploaded this tune there with a status containing the phrase 'feeling blessed'. And while I was at it, I'd crush some of your candy. Let me know what you think of it.