Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Star-Studded Chinese New Year

This is a song my cousin sister (Sandhya) and I recorded this weekend.

We recently practiced Iktara for an Open Mic and were planning to record that, when we decided to add in another song related to stars and make a medley of it. Hope you enjoy it. Do let me know what you guys think :)

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Post Absentia

After a long leave of absence from this blog, I am back (if only briefly) to share my hopes and aspirations for 2016. I look forward to year filled with long walks while listening to music from known and unknown artists, more jamming with friends and family and more music practice. I hope your new year wishes are fulfilled beyond your expectations. (It is Chinese New Year, hence the random new year sentiments, I suppose)

I recently acquired a second hand bass guitar and recorded these songs :)  I would love to hear what you think about them.