Sunday, 3 November 2013

Happy Return

I nicked the blog-post title from Steven Wilson's new (unreleased) song, which I heard live in Leipzig. It sounds awesome ; it's got an amazing 'real' vibe and I loved Steven's voice and the vocal harmonies involved. and I am really looking forward to hearing it in in recorded form. I just got back from a 16-day conference leave/vacation. While it was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it, I am also glad to be back in Singapore. I am travel-lagged and am looking forward to some good old monotony to spice things up. On the long flight home, I recorded this song on Garage band titled 'Page 16'.

Page 16 by aytida88

It reminds me of the last few awesome days and the amazing peeps I met and hung out with. If I was active on Facebook, I'd have uploaded this tune there with a status containing the phrase 'feeling blessed'. And while I was at it, I'd crush some of your candy. Let me know what you think of it.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Pretend - Nat King Cole Cover

I attempted a different type of song to cover this time. A classic from Nat King Cole called "Pretend".

Pretend you're happy when you're blue, It isn't very hard to do,
And you'll find happiness without an end, whenever you pretend.

Pretend Nat King Cole Cover by aytida88

I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


I felt like being creative today. I started off trying to write a short story, but soon deflected to this. It's about the kind of enlightening talk you have with yourself, reflecting on where you are and wondering which way you are headed. Let me know what you guys think :) Edited using GarageBand, Audacity and Ableton. I'm sure there's an easier way to do it, but I ended up using a hybrid of the three because I like different features in each of them (The instruments in Ableton, the recording and mixing in Audacity and the "Warming Waves" pad in Garage Band)


Hello there, you look out of sorts.
Living someone else's dream, are you not?
There's no shame in turning back,
Pause and think about where you at.