Wednesday 7 July 2010


Inertia. . It’s the reason an object continues in its state of motion unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force. The same reason one continues doing the same things over and over, without much thought or effort. Inertia is not always bad; it would be a pain in the ass if I couldn’t auto-pilot my way through the routine things in life like brushing, eating and typing. I don’t want to learn to walk every time I need to get across the room. But in many aspects of life, I'd be better off without it.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been having a nagging thought at the back of mind to start blogging. And I’ve been ignoring it quite well. I’ve managed to convince myself that I’m better off not blogging. Who’d want to read my thoughts, seriously? Isn’t the internet already full of blokes who shove their opinions on others regardless of whether they care or not? I also kept reminding myself of two earlier misguided and flopped attempts at Blogging, both of which were as reader friendly as an Open Source Software’s User Manual. And I had almost succeeded at not blogging, till I read this book by Marshall Goldsmith, which had a line on Inertia that got me writing away. The line can be paraphrased as: Whatever you are doing right now, you are pretty likely to be doing the same thing at a given instant from now.

Not sure how well it applies to you but it is pretty accurate in my case. If I am surfing the channels on the tube looking for something to watch, I’ll be surfing five minutes from now. If I’m engaged in making up excuses for not writing, I will continue doing so for days, months, even years from now. So screw it. I am here. And I am going to blog. I am not going to let something Newton coined when he was drunk to get the better of me.

I am not a people’s writer; I have earned tags such as ridiculous, nonsensical and pointless. But I have also been told my writing stinks. I am writing this blog for these people because they believe in me and my sense of writing about nothing in particular. Stay tuned.


  1. A good start :D...keep blogging!!

  2. A little comment on your 'line on Inertia'; if a turkey is fed now and has been fed for the past 100 days, according to inertia it will be fed tomorrow also, but what if tomorrow is thanksgiving? ;) Why am i saying this? Well just so you can read this book called THE BLACK SWAN, which puts forth the above theory, in addition to the one you are reading currently:D Apart from that .. .good start. Cheers :D

  3. Lol. Inertia epic fail :P . Cool will add it to my reading list. Thanks. :D


Go on , you know you want to.